Vinohrady PD Čachtice, sa nachádzajú v Malokarpatskej vinohradníckej oblasti Vrbovský región, na posledných severných výbežkoch Malých Karpát, kde sú vinohradnícke obce Čachtice a Častkovce. Vinohradníctvo v samotnej obci má dlhú tradíciu, ktorá siaha do čias Rimanov. Najväčší rozmach vinohradníctva a vinárstva bol v dobe vlády „Čachtickej pani“ Alžbety Báthoryovej. Toto čachtické červené víno dobylo aj viedenský dvor Márie Terézie. Na tradíciu vinárstva sme nadviazali a aktuálne je naša produkcia limitovaná sériami kvalitných prívlastkových vín z vlastnej produkcie. Obhospodarujeme 42 ha viníc a medzi našich najväčších odberateľov hrozna patrí vinárstvo Mrva&Stanko. Naše vyrobené vína dozrievajú v starobylej pivnici rodiny Nádašdyovcov.

Hrozno dopestované v našich vinohradoch spracovávame vo vlastnom pivničnom hospodárstve, hrozno z iných lokalít nenakupujeme. Kapacita pivnice je 10 vagónov, t.j. 100 000 litrov vína. Víno, produkované z našej pivnice, je vyrobené čiastočne riadenou fermentáciou.

Charakteristické znaky našich vín: naše vína sú suché, aromatické, plné extraktné, so zemito-minerálnym nádychom.

Odrodová skladba: Rizling rýnsky, Veltlínske zelené, Rulandské biele, Rulandské šedé, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Tramín červený, Pálava, Rulandské modré, Merlot, Dornfelder, Dunaj. Okrem predaja vína Vám vieme pripraviť i degustáciu v našom vinárstve s občerstvením a odborným výkladom.

Ponuka vín



retail sale

Sale of select wine in bottles and natural cask wine- every Friday in the wine cellar on street Na doline 162 Opening Hours: 8:00 to 18:00. The entire range is also available on the company store on street Malinovského 595, Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 to 15:30

Mobile: +421905222472 (Ján Kolník), +421910339843 (Ing. Martin Kadlček) E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Strawberries also form self picking. Self strawberries pickig begins:  end of May and beginning of June

Information operator in Mon-Fri 7:00 to 15:30 Tel. +421 32 774 2911, Mobile: +421949242039,  +421908767341

 Self Strawberry picking was closed.




Peaches sales beginning in the second half of July and according to different varieties ripening takes place until the beginning of September 

Information operator in Mon-Fri 7:00 to 15:30. tel. +421 32 774 2911, Mobile: +421907714886 (Ing. Pavel Mjartan) +421917105880 (Ing. Vlado Roman)

Self picking and sales was closed.



Apples sales begin summer varieties in the second half of August and winter varieties begin selling in late September and lasts sale while supplies last. usually ends up in the first months of the following year.

Information operator in Mon-Fri 7:00 to 15:30. tel. +421 32 774 2911, Mobile: +421907714886 (ing. Pavel Mjartan) +421917105880 (Ing. Vlado Roman)


Agriculture company Čachtice was founded on 25 septembr, 1952. Merger with neighboring agriculture company in the village Častkovce took place on 1 January 1974. A large part of the agriculture company is located in the foothills of the Little Carpathians, southwest of Nove Mesto nad Vahom. Agriculture company is focused on plant, animal and fruit-growing production.Crop production in the farm: winter wheat, spring barley, maize seed, winter rape, peas, sunflower, sugar beet and hops.

From the fruit production grow: strawberries, peaches, apples and grapes. We are engaged in rearing cattle and sell milk in our company store. Among other things, the subject of our work is also: manufacture and sale of agricultural products, production and sale of food products, provision of agricultural machinery, business, construction activities, road transport, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.

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